Monday, October 7, 2013

Circling Back

I am continually amazed at how similar my daughter and I are. I have horrible anxiety about the dentist but not for no reason...I had an experience with an impatient dentist whom attempted to drill a cavity before I was numb. When I called attention (as did the young lady assisting him) he blew us off. I came very close to kneeing him in the jaw. He finally backed off but was very upset with the appointment. So now when I have appointments for fillings I am filled with dread and anxiety. 

Fast forward to today with my sweet pea. I was not concerned about her, no anxiety, as she's always handled dental work well. Today I am in the hallway in a swivel chair right outside her room. She is a hot mess, my little sweet pea. :( So nervous and shaking. They keep inviting me back in the room to help calm her down. She is nearly finished with her appointment and I imagine her nerves are probably feeling pretty raw right about now. Being a parent is hard on the heart. 

Today I'm thankful I can now recognize that my dentist from 15 years ago was simply impatient.  God uses my children often to help bring closure to situations for me and I am grateful. Also? I'm investing in a high quality fluoride toothpaste for my girl. I pray she doesn't have this experience again. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Choose Joy

Our world is a dark place filled with anxiety and fear. Our government is shut down and the drama associated with that frightens people. People have lost their jobs, some temporarily and some permanently. And I get heavy hearted for them. I've been there and it has not been that long ago. I remember too many details and feelings associated with that time of uncertainty in our family. But for anyone going through it I would tell them that it doesn't last. The feelings of grief and fear fade, jobs return, forgiveness comes and life resumes. 

I saw a picture of our old house last night online. I wasn't hunting for it, a Facebook friend took a picture of his child playing in that houses front yard, but I starred at it. Was I trying to evoke old feelings? If I was, there were none, and it was wonderful. I can say with joy and gratitude that I am healing.  That house represented a lot of regret and pain in my life and none of that was there last night. What bliss that was for me. 

So while our world is filled with fear and anxiety we have the gift of choice. We can choose to participate or we can choose to walk our path in faith that recovery is coming along with brighter days. And those days are brighter, indeed.